Conformal Controller
Calibrates the decision risk by adapting the conformal control variable: \(\lambda_{t+1} = \lambda_{t} + \eta \left( \epsilon - \ell_t \right) \)
We introduce Conformal Decision Theory, a framework for producing safe autonomous decisions despite imperfect machine learning predictions. Examples of such decisions are ubiquitous, from robot planning algorithms that rely on pedestrian predictions, to calibrating autonomous manufacturing to be high throughput but low error, to the choice of trusting a nominal policy versus switching to a safe backup policy at run-time. The decisions produced by our algorithms are safe in the sense that they come with provable statistical guarantees of having low risk without any assumptions on the world model whatsoever; the observations need not be I.I.D. and can even be adversarial. The theory extends results from conformal prediction to calibrate decisions directly, without requiring the construction of prediction sets. Experiments demonstrate the utility of our approach in robot motion planning around humans, automated stock trading, and robot manufacturing.
Here we study the problem of robot navigation around people, which must balance safety (i.e., not colliding with humans) and efficiency (i.e., robot making progress towards goal). To ensure that the risk of collision is low while still making progress to the goal, the robot will constantly calibrate its reward function at run-time using a conformal controller.
The robot plans via model predictive control and at each timestep fits a maximum-reward spline subject to the robot's dynamics constraints, which is a non-linear Dubins car. Results are on the nexus_4 scenario from the Stanford Drone Dataset. The robot's goal is to cross the nexus while avoiding pedestrians. Safety was violated if the robot collided with a human. At all learning rates \(\eta\), the conformal controller is more efficient at navigation than ACI in terms of time. It remains safe so long as the learning rate is set high enough so that the robot planner can quickly adapt to nearby humans; when the learning rate is set too low, (near zero), proximity to humans is effectively not penalized, leading to collisions.
Calibrates the decision risk by adapting the conformal control variable: \(\lambda_{t+1} = \lambda_{t} + \eta \left( \epsilon - \ell_t \right) \)
First calibrates the prediction sets via adapting the \(\alpha_t\) using ACI, then plans with respect to these sets.
Keeps a constant maximum value of the conformal control variable: \( \lambda_t = 1 \quad \forall t \in [T] \)
author = {Lekeufack, Jordan, and Angelopoulos, Anastasios N, and Bajcsy, Andrea, and Jordan, Michael I., and Malik, Jitendra},
title = {Conformal Decision Theory: Safe Autonomous Decisions Without Distributions},
journal = {arXiv},
year = {2024},